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US earmarks massive spends to counter China

US President Joe Biden

As China continues to pose a threat to the world order, the US has firmed up plans to boost spending like never-before to counter Beijing's moves. Many experts said that the package is one of the largest industrial bills in the US history.

According to the Senate, China is America's greatest geopolitical and geo-economic challenge and passed the United States Innovation and Competition Act 2021 to spend more than $250 billion to ensure that Washington stays on top in terms of technological research and production, news agency ANI reported.

The move is aimed at increasing US competitiveness in relation to China.

“We’re in a battle between democracies and autocracies,” earlier US President Joe Biden told American service members at a Virginia military base. Since Biden assumed charge of White House, he has been focused on gathering allies to counter China.

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Meanwhile, the news agency also noted that the Bill is a rare point of agreement between Republicans and Democrats. “In a vote, 68 of the 100-member Senate supported the measure, with 32 against. The Senate is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, and experts say the vote shows how the two political parties are united on the need to counter Beijing's economic and military ambitions,” it added.

Calling for sanctions, the Bill has also noted the gross human rights violation in Xinjiang against Uighurs. Not just that. The Bill has commissioned a new study into the origins of Covid-19, “specifically requiring an answer to the question if the virus came from a lab leak or was zoonotic,” ANI said.