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Pope Francis backs call for waiving patents on Covid-19 vaccines

Pope Francis (Pic: Courtesy Twitter/@Pontifex)

Pope Francis has backed the call for waiving patents on coronavirus vaccines to enable poorer countries gain access to the doses, in a video message to the "Vax Live" concert.

The Argentine pontiff came out strongly in favour of "universal access to the vaccine and the temporary suspension of intellectual property rights" in the recording.

The Pope, who has repeatedly spoken of the need to share vaccines, condemned the "virus of individualism" that "makes us indifferent to the suffering of others".


"A variant of this virus is closed nationalism, which prevents, for example, an internationalism of vaccines," he said.

"Another variant is when we put the laws of the market or intellectual property above the laws of love and the health of humanity."

His comments come after the United States announced its surprise support for a global waiver on patent protections for Covid-19 vaccines.

The move is fiercely opposed by pharma giants such as Pfizer and Moderna who are eyeing huge profits from the sale of vaccines.

Britain's Prince Harry and pop royalty including Jennifer Lopez were among those who took part in "Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World", to urge faster and more equitable global vaccinations.