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Bangladesh former PM Khaleda Zia tests positive again for Corona

Former Bangladesh PM Khaleda Zia

Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Chairperson Khaleda Zia has once again tested Covid-19 positive on Saturday. The 75-year-old Zia had tested positive for Coronavirus, for the first time, on April 11.

Eight people — living at her residence – who tested positive earlier also underwent Covid 19 tests, Dhaka Tribune reported. Out of the eight, five have tested negative now.

Zia will undergo another test after four to five days.

"Madam [Khaleda] underwent the fresh corona test this afternoon. She tested positive for the virus as we received her report at night," the newspaper quoted a member of Zia’s personal medical team and BNP vice chairman Dr AZM Zahid Hossain as saying.

According to DT, Zahid however said Zia is now doing well and has no visible symptom of Covid-19.

Last month, the Sheikh Hasina government approved the proposal of suspending Zia's prison sentences in two graft cases for six more months amid the outbreak of the pandemic.

Earlier, a report by Observer Research Foundation even noted that during Zia’s premiership, Bangladesh and Pakistan had joined hands to subvert India’s interests. “Apart from providing support to Indian insurgent groups in the Northeast, several Islamic extremist groups came into prominence, with the support of the Tarique clique and Pakistan. Tarique wanted to use these extremists to target the Awami Leaugue leadership and workers, while Pakistan wanted to use them against India.”