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Orwellian future: Boot stamped on the face of freedom

French President Emmanuel Macron

If you want a picture of the future, George Orwell wrote in 1984, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. We are living that future, with Islamists having succeeded in stamping the face of freedom.

For this is what the retired mixed martial arts champion Khabib Nurmagomedov wants to be done to French President Emmanuel Macron, the most important politician in continental Europe championing the cause of free speech. Khabib posted a photograph of Macron with a boot print on his face. The caption said, “May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all its followers, who, under the slogan of freedom of speech, offend the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslim believers.

May the Almighty humiliate them in this life, and in the next. Allah is quick in calculation and you will see it.” While the jihadists are working hard to usher in an Islamist dystopia, they are being assisted, aided, and abetted by the entire intellectual class.

For intellectuals, the dangerous New Left doctrines and attitudes of moral relativism, multiculturalism, and political corrects have become their religious beliefs; they hold these beliefs—dogmas actually—close to their hearts.

In fact, these dogmas have also affected their eyes and years, even their minds: the cognitive and cogitative faculties of top intellectuals; still clutching to the phony ‘root-cause’ theory, they fail to see the truth about Islamic terror. These dangerous doctrines enter public discourse through academics, the mainstream media, and other means of information and knowledge dissemination. And of course there are Big Tech companies and social media platforms which promote the New Left agenda. Prominent intellectuals and journalists get seriously infected by the New Left virus; they keep spouting the erroneous, hazardous, and misleading ideas, which end up becoming conventional wisdom.

Anybody pointing out to the errors and the perils conventional wisdom poses are vilified as blasphemers and termed as bigots, Islamophobes, and alt-Right or far-Right. The result is that murder becomes justice and honorable, incitement to murder becomes legitimate politics, murderers are presented as heroes, and those opposing violence (like Macron) are denigrated as villains. This is the reason that a large number of Muslims, including many in India, are abusing Macron and glorifying the killers of innocent people. Unsurprisingly, Macron has a boot stamped on his face.

And intellectuals like Bobby Ghosh jeer, as scoundrels like Khabib make egregious remarks.