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RAF role in humanitarian works makes India proud: Shah

<p id="content">On the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the Rapid Action Force (RAF), Home Minister Amit Shah today, greeted the personnel, saying their "commitment in several humanitarian works and UN peacekeeping missions has made India proud".</p>
The RAF, a specialized force, was raised in October 1992 initially with 10 unattached battalions and later five more units were added on January 1, 2018. These units were set up to deal with riots and riot-like situations, to instill confidence amongst all sections of society and also handle internal security duty.

Expressing his views through Twitter, Shah said, "Greetings to RAF personnel &amp; their families on their 28th anniversary. RAF has distinguished itself in dealing with the challenges relating to law &amp; order. Time and again, their commitment in several humanitarian works &amp; UN peacekeeping missions has made India proud.".