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In message to PM Modi Chinese President Xi Jinping expresses “sincere sympathies” on India’s Covid surge

Chinese President Xi Jinping offers help to India (Photo: IANS)

Chinese President Xi Jinping in a message to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday expressed his “sincere sympathies” over the Covid-19 situation in India and said China was ready to extend any help that was required to fight the deadly pandemic. This is the first direct communication between President Xi and PM Modi since the Chennai informal summit in 2019.

Chinese ambassador to India Sun Weidong conveyed President Xi Jinping’s message through twitter.

President Xi said, "I am very concerned about the recent situation of COVID-19 pandemic in India. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, as well as in my own name, I would like to express sincere sympathies to the Indian Government and people."

"The Chinese side stands ready to strengthen cooperation with the Indian side in fighting the pandemic and provide support and help in this regard. I believe that under the leadership of the Indian Government, the Indian people will surely prevail over the pandemic," President Xi added.