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Chennai Sisters who are playing an Angelic role by supplying food to Covid-19 patients

The Chennai Angels, sisters who are supplying home cooked food to Covid patients for free in the city (Pic: Courtesy ndtv.com)

Rising to the occasion when people afflicted by Covid-19 are isolated and quarantined at home and desperately need food, a mother and daughter team is providing them that free of cost.

The team includes interior designer and baker Neeta Jessani and her mother who daily without fail prepare around ten additional meals every day at their Chennai home. After having prepared them, they send these packed nutritious food to Covid patients and their families.

These packed home-cooked food packets greatly help those who are confined to home isolation and those under quarantine. Besides them, the food packets also go to patients in hospitals and their attendants.

What makes these food packets convenient for delivery as well as easting is that Jessani sends the food in restaurant-like take-away plates. She sends these packets three times a day and even sticks a handwritten 'Get well soon' message to the patients.

When the lockdown was at its peak in the city, even then the supply of the packets continued without fail. During the deadly second wave alone the baker has sent food to more than 400 people.

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Speaking to NDTV, Jessani said: "The illness itself is very expensive and people are exhausting their resources on their treatment. At this point they need nutritious meals and food is one good area to provide help, we should all help in whatever little way we can, and it will make a difference in someone's life.”

Now this humanitarian trait is not just confined to Jessani and her mother. It runs in the family as in another part of Chennai, Neeta's sister Divya Keswani's family too reaches out to those with similar needs. She is a banker by profession.

Keswani’s entire in-laws' family recovered after contracting the virus recently. Being fortunate to have a great circle of friends and families close to them, their needs were taken care of. Now having recovered fully, they are more than willing and cheerful about paying it back to strangers who may suffer without help. This family also customises their food making. They make and provide special cookies or snacks for children or the elderly among the recipients.

Keswani says that the sisters, who many refer to as 'Chennai's Food Angels', have had some heart-breaking moments too.

Sharing her thoughts to the channel, Jessani said: "There have been times when people who needed food suddenly cancel it saying the patient passed away. We feel so sad for them."

Describing the happiness they get by serving the people in need, Keswani remarks: “I think the monetary expenses we incur gets nullified by the joy we get."

The pandemic has indeed made individuals more generous and helpful than ever before.