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US President Biden proposes $6 trillion for next fiscal year to rebuild infrastructure to counter China

US President Joe Biden

The Biden administration has proposed a whopping $ 6 trillion budget for the coming fiscal year, to rebuild infrastructure and position so that the US is better prepared to compete with China.

Tension between the US and China has been on the rise for the last few years.

“We’re in a battle between democracies and autocracies,” US President Joe Biden told American service members at a Virginia military base on Friday. Since Biden assumed charge of White House, he has been focused in gathering allies to counter China.

An ANI report said that “the president's budget request, which seeks $6.01 trillion in total outlays, reflected his $2.3 trillion infrastructure investment proposal and $1.8 trillion education and child care investment plan — the former spanning eight years and the latter 10 years.”

According to a report by ANI, the Pentagon has said in its budget review that "China poses the greatest long-term challenge” to the US. It also said that Beijing's military modernization activities in recent decades have "sought to erode the ability of US forces to project power in the region” the news agency said

Combined with mandatory spending programmes, the 2022 budget would spend $6 trillion which is about $ 300 billion more than current projections for the year. Much of the spending will be directed towards education, health, Science research and infrastructure, ANI said.

Meanwhile, as Quad or the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue – the security alliance between India, the US, Japan and Australia strengthen to counter China’s move, Beijing’s discomfort has visibly grown.

Recently, it warned Bangladesh of severe consequences if it joined any QUAD related activities.