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Ficci to procure 1500 oxygen concentrators from Germany to fight Covid second wave

Oxygen concentrators come handy amid Covid 19 second wave

In this critical fight against the devastating second wave of the Covid- 19 pandemic in India, industry body FICCI and its partner association BVMW (German Association of Small and Medium sized Enterprises) are in the process of procuring 1500 oxygen concentrators for private entities in the Indian Healthcare industry. The first batch of the freight containing the medical devices and accessories is being airlifted from Frankfurt on Wednesday and will soon be available in various hospitals across India to help the patients in need.

BVMW representative, Daniel Raja said, “Considering the current crisis in India and the huge global demand of such medical equipment, this procurement is an important achievement which was only possible due to the close collaboration between FICCI, the Indian mission and BVMW.”

Meanwhile, several companies have come forth in the fight to contain Covid second wave in India.

The Tata group has decided to import 24 cryogenic containers – double walled vessels– which will be used to transport liquid oxygen. Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) also has increased the supply of liquid oxygen to over 700 metric tonnes per day to several states including Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Reliance Foundation has already enhanced bed capacities across health facilities to enable treatment of Covid-19 patients in Mumbai. An Asian Development Bank report, which predicted a growth of 11 per cent for the current financial year, said that containing Covid 19 second wave will be critical to boost economic growth.