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Rani stakes her claim as the world’s smallest cow!

Rani who is staking her claim as the world's smallest cow (Pic: Courtesy Twitter/@WIONews)

Small is beautiful and does get fame! Not surprising then that Rani the dwarf cow  has hit the headlines in varied media platforms for her sheer size!

A Bhutti cow Rani stands 51 cm that is 20 inches high. No wonder that visitors are flocking in droves to catch a glimpse of Bangladesh’s midget sized celebrity — Rani.

With the nation enforcing lockdown restrictions to curb the Covid-19, it is reported that more than 15,000 people have visited Rani. She is located at her farm in Charigram , which is near Bangladesh’s Capital Dhaka.

Rina Begum, who happened to be one of the numerous visitors told BBC Bangla: "I have never seen anything like this in my life.”

So thrilled is the manager of the farm, Hasan Howladar, that he has already applied to the Guinness Book of Records for listing her as the world's smallest cow.

Giving additional information about Rani, Howladar informed that he had bought Rani last year from another farm in Bangladesh's north-west Naogaon district. He told the media that she finds it difficult to walk. Also she is scared of the other cows at Shikor Agro farm and therefore in order not to stress her, they keep Rani separate from the rest of the herd. Other Bhuttis on the farm are twice Rani's size.

Howladar informed the BBC: “She doesn't eat much. She eats a small amount of bran and straw twice a day. She likes to roam outside and seems to be happy when we take her in our arms."

The chief veterinarian of the area, Dr. Sajedul Islam, said Rani many not grow bigger and that her size was the result of "genetic inbreeding". He also asked the farm not to allow too many visitors. “I told them they should not allow so many people to crowd the farm. They may carry diseases that threaten Rani's health.”

Incidentally, the record for the world’s smallest cow is being held by Manikyam in India. Manikyam dimensions are 61.1 cm right from the hoof to the withers.

Having applied to the Guinness Book of Records, Howladar shared with BBC that investigators from there will be visiting him in his farm this year to verify his claim that she is the smallest cow.