Categories: Culture

‘Langar Baba’, Jagdish Lal Ahuja, who fed lakhs for free for more than 20 years passes away

<strong>The benevolent figure of Jagdish Lal Ahuja, fondly called as “Langar Baba”, who fed hundreds of thousands of hungry in Chandigarh, passed away yesterday.</strong></p>
The 85-year-old Ahuja, who was awarded the Padma Shri in 2020, had been serving free food to the patients and their attendants outside the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh every day for more than two decades.</p>
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मेरे मरने के बाद भी लंगर यूँ ही चलता रहे-लंगर बाबा|<br />
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विगत 40 वर्षो से भूखे व जरूरतमंदों को भोजन परोस रहे पद्मश्री आदरणीय जगदीश आहूजा जी के निधन का समाचार से व्यथित हूँ|<br />
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हे ईश्वर, माँ अन्नपूर्णा के सच्चे सेवक को मोक्ष प्रदान करना|<br />
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!!! ॐ शांति !!! <a href="">#LangarBaba</a> <a href="">@PadmaAwards</a> <a href=""></a></p>
— Sanjay Bhatia (@bjpsanjaybhatia) <a href="">November 29, 2021</a></blockquote>
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Having migrated to India with his family from Peshawar, Pakistan, after the partition of the country in 1947, Ahuja worked very hard to make a place for himself. In an interview with Daily Guardian, he had said: “My family came to Mansa and then I shifted towards Ropar and and the place, which is known as Chandigarh today. I merely had a few paisas in my pocket then. I even sold bananas sitting by the road at the old mandi in New Delhi. The idea to start langer outside PGI was my inner voice. I had faced poverty and starvation, and when I thought I am capable of feeding others, I decided to start langer service.”</p>
A self-made man, Ahuja became rich by working hard even though he was penniless when he came to India. To finance the daily distribution of food he is reported to have sold his properties.</p>
Recalling Ahuja’s generous gesture of feeding lakhs outside their institution, a PGIMER spokesperson said he will be remembered for his endearing and humane personality. In a statement, the spokesperson said: “The PGIMER salutes Langar Baba's magnanimity and 'spirit of giving'.”</p>
He had been feeding not just outside the PGIMER but later outside the Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32 and serving more than 2,500 people daily, without a day's break for all these years.</p>
Among the public figures who condoled his death, were the Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Chief Minister, Charanjit Singh Channi and also Captain Amarinder Singh, the former CM of the State.</p>
In his tweet Captain Amarinder Singh said: "My deepest condolences on the demise of Padma Shri Jagdish Lal Ahuja, popularly known as Langar Baba. He self funded free food & medicines to poor & needy at PGIMER for about 20years. His philanthropy works will remain an inspiration for generations to come."</p>
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<p dir="ltr" lang="en">
My deepest condolences on the demise of Padma Shri Jagdish Lal Ahuja, popularly known as Langar Baba. He self funded free food & medicines to poor & needy at PGIMER for about 20years. His philanthropy works will remain an inspiration for generations to come. <a href=""></a></p>
— Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) <a href="">November 29, 2021</a></blockquote>
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