
India affirms commitment to strengthening African role in global security, development

In a powerful address to the United Nations Security Council, India’s Permanent Representative, Ruchira Kamboj, reiterated India’s unwavering commitment to bolstering the role of African states in addressing global security and development challenges.

Addressing the open debate under the agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security,” Kamboj emphasised the longstanding friendship between India and Africa, rooted in historical ties and shared solidarity. “India believes that Africa’s rise is essential for true multipolarity in the global order,” she stated, highlighting India’s commitment to supporting Africa’s priorities both bilaterally and multilaterally.

Kamboj underscored the interdependence of peace and development, asserting, “There cannot be any peace without development.” She emphasised the importance of sustainable economic growth through investments in education, health, infrastructure, agriculture, and energy security, stressing the need for genuine partnerships that empower Africans and align with their priorities.

The Indian representative outlined key action points to enhance the role of the African region on the global stage. She called for reforming the UN Security Council to provide permanent representation to African nations, advocating for a regional approach to peace and security issues and prioritising the fight against terrorism in Africa.

She also reiterated India’s call for greater African representation in the Security Council and emphasised the urgent need to combat terrorism in the African region.

Kamboj also highlighted India’s commitment to empowering the Global South and rectifying historical injustices. “The continued denial of representation in the permanent category of membership is a blot on the collective credibility of this council,” Kamboj stated, stressing the importance of permanent African representation in an expanded council.

Highlighting India’s support for the Ezulwini consensus and the search declaration, she called for accountability for those perpetuating the delay in granting African representation, asserting that historical injustices must be addressed.

Addressing the pressing security challenges facing Africa, Kamboj underscored the need for a regional approach, urging the Security Council to respect and support collaborative efforts among African countries and regional organisations. “The spread of terrorism in Africa is a matter of serious concern,” Kamboj emphasised, calling for the prioritisation of addressing security threats posed by terrorist outfits and armed groups.

Kamboj highlighted the significant impediments faced in combating terrorism, citing capacity constraints and the lack of sustained financing as major challenges. She called for enhanced support and resources to effectively address the root causes of terrorism in Africa.

“Peacekeeping operations and special political missions need to be sufficiently mandated and resourced,” Kamboj stated, emphasising the importance of clear exit strategies for peacekeeping missions and the prevention of external interventions in African affairs.

Highlighting India’s proactive stance, Kamboj mentioned India’s successful campaign for the admission of the African Union into the G20 during its presidency in 2023. She urged the international community to seize the upcoming summit as an opportunity to demonstrate collective commitment to reforming the existing multilateral system and amplifying African voices.

Kamboj also reaffirmed India’s dedication to advancing Africa’s role in global security and development, urging the committee of nations to give due credence to African member states and support their efforts for a peaceful and prosperous future.


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